By law, the Town of Pittsford follows the New York State Assessment Calendar.
Valuation Date: July 1 (of the preceding year)
The date that all properties are valued “as of." The valuation date is July 1 of the preceding year.
Taxable Status Date: March 1
- Assessments are based on the physical characteristics of the property as of this date every year
- All Exemptions must be filed on or before March 1
Final Roll Date: July 1 (of the current year)
Informal Reviews: July 1 – March 1
You may request an informal review of your assessment. To do so, contact the Assessor’s Office to schedule an interior and exterior inspection of your property. The purpose of the inspection is to insure that all information we have is correct, and to give you an opportunity to discuss your assessment and supply us with any information that you have concerning your assessment. If you have had a recent appraisal of your property, a copy would be helpful. Any change in assessment will be sent between May 1 and May 15.
Formal Review: Fourth Tuesday in May
You may request a formal review once you have received your notification from your informal review. Please note, the fourth Tuesday in May is the last day to have your assessment reviewed for the current year.
Real Property Assessment Data – Monroe County Property Portal
The Monroe County Real Property website portal is wholly owned and operated by Monroe County. To verify specific parcel information for Pittsford properties, please contact the Pittsford Assessor’s Office at (585) 248-6230.
The Monroe County website offers property and tax information. To access this information please click on the following link:
Property Tax Exemption & Credit Information
The Pittsford Assessor’s Office administers partial tax exemptions, allowed under the NYS Real Property Tax Law, for those who meet certain eligibility requirements. For all exemptions, please contact the Pittsford Assessor’s Office if you have any questions.
Pittsford Assessor’s Office
Pittsford Town Hall, 11 South Main Street, Pittsford NY 14534
(585) 248-6230
Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM.
Please note: The information provided below is a brief outline of the minimum qualifications required for various exemptions. It is imperative that you contact the Pittsford Assessor’s Office to make sure you can meet all State requirements in order to qualify for any exemption. We will be glad to assist you at any time with your questions.
Some of the most common residential tax exemptions include:
STAR (School Tax Relief)
Senior Citizens with Limited Income
Disability with Limited Income
Application for Volunteer Firefighters/Ambulance Workers
The filing deadline for any exemption is March 1 of each year.
Tax Exemption Application forms are available online; please click the underlined links below.
STAR (School Tax Relief)
Property owners who are currently enrolled in either the BASIC STAR or the ENHANCED STAR exemption program will continue to receive an exemption off of their school tax bill. If you currently have had a Basic STAR exemption on this property for the 2015-2016 school year, you can apply for the Enhanced STAR exemption. You must file both the RP-425-E and RP-425-IVP. The filing deadline in March 1st.
Beginning in 2016, property owners who are first time homeowners or who have never had the exemption before MUST REGISTER and will directly receive a check in the amount of their exemption value from the NYS Department of Tax and Finance instead of a tax exemption on their school tax (they will not receive an exemption off of their school tax bill). Please contact the NYSTF Call Center at (518) 457-2036 for additional information.
Register for the School Tax Relief (STAR) Credit
New STAR applicants receive a credit in the form of a check directly from New York State instead of receiving a school property tax exemption. The amount of your STAR benefit is the same regardless of how you receive it.
New Basic and Enhanced STAR applicants must register with the New York State Tax Department to receive a STAR check.
Register anytime at – it just takes a few minutes.
Property owners without access to a computer can register by phone weekdays from 8:00am to 4:00pm (585-248-6230).
Are you eligible for STAR?
To receive the STAR credit, you must own your home and it must be your primary residence.
Basic STAR
The total income of the owners and the owners’ spouses who primarily reside at the property must not exceed $500,000 AGI.
Enhanced STAR
- The income limit for Enhanced STAR is annually adjusted for inflation; the 2024 assessment roll uses the 2022 AGI and the income limit is $98,700.
- All owners must be at least 65 years old (unless the owners are spouses or siblings, in which case at least one owner must be at least 65).
Basic STAR Exemption Application
- Only for those who current have a STAR Exemption but have had a change in title.
- See instructions on application.
Enhanced STAR Exemption Application
(Based on age and income) Only for those who currently have the Basic Star Exemption
Enhanced STAR Exemption FORM RP-425-E
Required Enhanced STAR Exemption Supplement FORM RP-425-IVP
Required: Form RP-425-IVP is a REQUIRED supplement to the Enhanced STAR Exemption Application Form (Form RP-425-E). You must submit form RP-425-IVP along with form RP-425-E for your Enhanced STAR application.
- Only for current recipients’ with a Basic Star Exemption on their residence.
- See instructions on application.
- Must be filed for the owner’s primary residence.
- Owner(s) must be 65 years or older within the calendar year.
- Combined adjusted gross income must be less that the amount established by the New York State each year.
- For STAR, income is based upon the prior year’s adjusted gross income (AGI).
- Example: since your 2019 STAR application is due March 1, 2019, you must use your 2017 Federal adjusted gross income.
- If you have any Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) you can subtract that amount on line 4b of your 1040 tax form and still qualify if your resulting income amount falls below the annual threshold amount established by New York State for the year.
- You must apply by March 1.
- New for 2019 NYS Income Verification Program (IVP) is now required; this automatically renews Enhanced Star starting in 2020 for those not already registered in the program.
Senior Citizens with Limited Income
Partial Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens FORM
For instructions regarding this form, click HERE
Must apply and renew annually by March 1. This exemption is based on an adjusted gross income not to exceed $58,400. This income level can change so it needs to be verified annually. Owners must be 65 years of age within the calendar year, (unless in the case of a spouse where only one needs to be 65 years of age), and you must have owned the home for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of filing the application, unless the owner received the exemption on his or her previous residence, in which case the 12 month requirement is considered satisfied.
Disability with Limited Income
Partial Exemption for Persons with Disabilities and Limited Income FORM
For instructions regarding this form, click HERE
Must apply and renew annually by March 1. An award letter from Social Security is required, and your adjusted gross income at the current time must be less than $58,400. As income requirements can change, please contact the Pittsford Assessor’s Office to verify this requirement prior to March 1.
Alternative Veterans Exemption FORM
For instructions regarding this form, click HERE
This is a one-time filing (unless you move, or –– for those with a disability rating –– if your rating changes). A copy of your DD-214 is required.
Major criteria: must have been in active duty (not reserves) and released under honorable conditions. A copy of your DD-214 is required.
Cold War Veterans Exemption FORM
For Veterans who rendered military service during the Cold War (9/2/1945 -12/26/1991)
For instructions regarding this form, click HERE
One time filing (unless you move, or for those with a disability rating and you’re rating changes).
Please remember NYS Real Property Tax Law requires that all exemption applications be submitted by March 1 each year.
Should you have any questions concerning the assessment process or exemption eligibility requirements, please contact the Assessor’s Office at (585) 248-6230. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM. The Assessor’s Office is located at the Pittsford Town Hall, 11 South Main Street, Pittsford, NY 14534.
Please note: The above is a brief outline of the minimum qualifications required to be considered for a tax exemption. It is imperative that you contact the Pittsford Assessor’s Office to make sure you can meet all the State requirements in order to qualify. We will be glad to assist you at any time with your questions.
Application for Volunteer Firefighters/Ambulance Workers Exemption
Application for Volunteer Firefighters/Ambulance Workers Exemption RP466-k
An enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or ambulance service may be granted a partial exemption on his or her primary residence from county, local property, and school taxes. Whether the exemption applies to the volunteer’s primary residence location, depends on whether the town, city, village or school district opts into the exemption program.
- The exemption does not apply to special assessments.
- The exemption is available only to members of incorporated volunteer fire companies, fire departments, or incorporated ambulance services who have been certified as being enrolled members for at least two years.
- The incorporated volunteer fire companies and or incorporated ambulance services must certify ones membership.
- One who has accrued more than 20 years of active service may be granted the exemption for the remainder of their life, as long as the member’s primary residence is located within such county.
- The exemption may be granted only to applicants who reside in the city, town, or village served by the fire company, fire department, or ambulance service.
- The exemption is only available for the applicant’s primary residence and only to property (or the portion thereof) exclusively used for residential purposes.
- The exemption equals 10% of the assessed value of the property.
- Deadline • You must file the application in the assessor’s office on or before the appropriate taxable status date, which, in most towns, is March 1.
- Once the exemption is granted, the exemption may continue for the authorized period provided that the eligibility requirements continue to be satisfied. It is not necessary to reapply for the exemption for it to continue as long as your volunteer service continues.
- For further information, please contact the assessor’s office.